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Ibex Goats have been well known throughout history for their extraordinary jumping abilities, and sure-footedness when leaping around the rough terrain of their mountain habitats.

The spring in their step is legendary, and they can often be seen bouncing happily around in the snowy Alps.

The tiny Boing-Bodied Ibex, however, has taken this to the extreme, by evolving to have its entire body coiled into a spring, to facilitate an even more enjoyable jumping experience.

A curious creature, it loves to explore jars and any other containers it can fit in, where it relishes nothing more than to lie in wait, then leap out unexpectedly when someone lifts the lid.

This is believed to be where the idea for the common practical joke of snake-like creatures springing out of household shopping items may have originated.

Unfortunately, this penchant for bursting out of jars, coupled with it's unusually regal appearance, has often led The Boing-Bodied Ibex to be mistaken for a cute genie.

Although, it is of course, completely unable to grant wishes.

Unless your wish is to be punctured by its magnificent horns, which it is more than capable of doing, if you insist on trying to stroke it! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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